Category Archives: Home

Badger Focus Balm and Tension Soother Balm

I was so excited when I finally found a store that sold Badger balms in my city!  It’s this tiny little community pharmacy that is really more of a supplement and natural products store.  I was so happy to find it!

I have been loving the Yoga and Meditation Balm and the Sleep Balm that I reviewed earlier, so I picked up two more to try.

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Badger Balm Review – Sleep Balm and Yoga and Meditation Balm

I couldn’t believe it when I was walking around the small town of Nakusp in beautiful British Columbia and found in one of their alternative health stores Badger Balms!!!!  None of the health foods stores in my large city carry them (yes, I’ve phoned every one) and I thought I’d have to resort to purchasing them online.  Thankfully I could support a local store instead!

They only had two, so I had to try them both!

Continue reading Badger Balm Review – Sleep Balm and Yoga and Meditation Balm

Green Laundry

As a continuation from yesterday’s eco-friendly house cleaning post, I give you the products I have found to be very effective for laundry.

Continue reading Green Laundry

Eco-Friendly House Cleaning

We all know that there are tons of harsh chemicals in common household cleaners, but what I didn’t know was that the companies don’t actually have to display the ingredients on the bottle.  In fact, some companies are required to keep ingredients off their packaging based of government regulations.  Blows your mind, doesn’t it?  

I read a book by Adria Vasil called Ecoholic Home in which she tested and rated all kinds of household cleaners for their efficacy and ingredients.  Based on her recommendations, the products available in my city, and online reviews these are the products I chose to try, and man oh man do they every work well!

Continue reading Eco-Friendly House Cleaning

Rocky Mountain Soap Essential Oil Blends

The Rocky Mountain Soap Company is dear to my heart because it grew up in a community that I have a deep attachment to and they continue to support natural conservation and eco-friendly business practices while expanding their company.  Their soaps and body butters will always be a staple of mine, but today I want to talk about their essential oil blends. 

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