Changes to my blog coming down the tube

I want to start off by thanking everyone for all of your amazing support and for the time you’ve taken to comment, email, tweet, facebook and message me over the past 16 months.  I started this blog way back when as a way to organize my thoughts as I was exploring the wonderful world of green beauty and sustainability and it has grown into something much more and I absolutely have everyone one of you, my readers, to thank for that.  Your support and constructive criticism has helped me to grow as a blogger and has brought me to a place where I am comfortable sharing more about me with you.

I don’t feel the need to be hidden anymore behind anonymity and various pictures I have taken of nature’s beauty.  I feel like I’m ready to be “me”.  More importantly I want to be more approachable and more accessible – I really do love hearing from you and I care about what you have to say.  Please feel free to share with me too!

So, with that being said, expect some slight changes to my posts – with pictures of me actually wearing/using the products I mention and maybe even some tutorials! (disclaimer – I’m no makeup artist, but I’m no newbie either)

Thank you, again!


Also, if there are any specific posts of products I’ve already reviewed but you’d like to see the products in action please comment below.  I already had some requests for the All Natural Face lipsticks so I might start updating my posts there.

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